
The platform is a cloud platform for Micro services development.


The Micro platform is focused on being the simplest way to build, share and collaborate on microservices. This started as a framework and now moves into a platform which continues to remove friction from the path of the developer. We’ll keep climbing the stack to continue on this journey. From platform to services and beyond.


The features which will be included in the platform


Our MVP goal is to deliver Micro as a Service. We’re taking the open source micro toolkit and running it as a service in the cloud. The end state should be a runtime which offers an API, web dashboard, CLI, slack bot and service proxy all hosted so that developers don’t have to host it themselves. We’ll provide interconnectivity via a transport, broker and service registry which can be accessed by running local micro instance which connects to the service in the cloud.

Hosting will be provided by global deployments in every region using the micro run command.

We’ll be dogfooding these efforts on an ongoing basis by writing microservices which run on the platform and are entirely open source for others to consume. Ultimately our goal is to see the network with base level services that don’t have to be written or run by anyone else.

We want to introduce this by end of Q1 2020 as an invite-only beta mode for our community to test. Most of this software will be entirely open source and available to run so anyone can likely connect but we’ll look to build identity and api tokens in for access control.

Ultimately we’ll provide a M3O (pronounced ehm-three-oh) as a global platform for Micro services.


We have the following high level goals:

Beyond MVP

Beyond the MVP we want to move into focusing on extending the platform, including team based collaboration and private hosting.

Micro as a service

Ultimately we want to deliver micro as a service as a shared platform for microservice development. Anything a company ends up building themselves should be available as a shared runtime for all developers everywhere in the world. This should not exclude those who want to self host and access the system as if it were part of their own.

Summarised view

Further breakdown